[2011-2015] [2009-2010] [2008-2007] [2006-1997]
1. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An "Modeling of the Cross-linking and the Diffusion Processes in a Negative Chemically Amplified Resist," Journal of Korean Physical Society (JKPS), Vol.55, No. 2, 661-665, August (2009). Impact Factor = 1.204
2. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An "Impact of the Parameters for a Chemically-amplified Resist on the Line-edge-roughness by Using a Molecular-scale Lithography Simulation," Journal of Korean Physical Society (JKPS), Vol.55, No. 2, 675-680, August (2009). Impact Factor = 1.204
3. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An "Impact of Polarization Inside a Resist for ArF Immersion Lithography," Journal of Korean Physical Society (JKPS), Vol.54, No. 4, 1685-1691, April (2009). Impact Factor = 1.204
4. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An "A study of virtual lithography process for polymer directed self-assembly," Microelectronic Engineering, 87, 883-886 May-Oct. (2010). Impact Factor = 1.583
5. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An "Mechanism of Embedded Micro / Nano Channel Formation for a Negative-Tone Photoresist by Moving Mask Lithography," Journal of Korean Physical Society (JKPS), vol. 56, 3, 851-855 (2010). Impact Factor = 1.204
6. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An "Simulation Study of Sub-10 nm Pattern Formation Using Diblock Polymer Directed Self-assembly," Journal of Korean Physical Society (JKPS), vol. 57, 1942-1945, Dec. (2010). Impact Factor = 1.204
1. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "Embedded Micro / Nano Channels Formation for Three-Dimensional Negative-Tone Photoresist Microstructuring," SPIE Microlithography, Vol. 7273, 72730R San Jose, California USA Feb. 23 (2009).
2. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "Advanced Lithography Simulation for Various 3-Dimensional Nano / Microstructruing Fabrications in Positive- and Negative-Tone Photoresists," 2009 International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition in Korea (NANO KOREA 2009), Gyeonggi-do KINTEX, Korea Aug. 27 (2009).
3. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "Dry Etch Simulation for Self-aligned Double Patterning," 2nd International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP 2009), Busan BEXCO, Korea Sep. 23 (2009).
4. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "Simulation Moving Mask Technology for 3D Micro- and Nanofabrication," 7th Fraunhofer IISB Lithography Simulation Workshop, Hersbruck, Germany Sep. 26 (2009).
5. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "A Study of Virtual Lithography Process for Polymer Directed Self-assembly," 35th International Conference on Micro Nano Engineering (MNE 2009), Ghent, Belgium Sep. 29 (2009).
6. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "Process Simulation of Nanolithography Patterning for Polymer Directed Self-assembly," International Symposium on the Physics of Excitation-assisted Nano-processes (ISPEN-2009), Wakayama, Japan Nov. 20 (20-21) (2009).
7. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "Simulation Study of sub-10 nm Pattern Formation using Diblock Polymer Directed Self-Assembly," The 6 th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD-2009), Jeju, Korea Dec. 10 (09-11) (2009).
8. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "Simulation Study of Directed Self-Assembly for 10-nm Pattern Formation," SPIE Microlithography, San Jose, California USA Feb. 23(21-25) (2010).
9. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "Predicting the Nanolithography Pattern of Confined Block Polymer," 7th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrication (ODF), Yokohama, Japan, April 19-21 (2010).
1. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "A Study of 3-Dimensional Micro / Nano Channel Formation in Resist of Virtual Space: Application of Bio / Nano MEMS", in the spring conference on physics, the Korea Physical Society, Vol. 27, 2, p.121, Daejeon CVB, 23 April 2009 (Oral Presentation).
2. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "Line Edge Roughness and Line Width Roughness Analysis of Molecular Simulation for Chemically Amplified Resists", Semicon Korea 2009, Technology Symposium (STS), Seoul, Jan. 20, 2009 (Oral Presentation).
3. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "Simulation for Various Nano/Microfabrications in a Positive resist ", 20th Anniversary special Meeting in the Optical Society of Korea 2009, Gwangju Kimdaejung CC, Oct. 20, 2009 (Oral Presentation).
4. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, Ilsin An, and Young-Hun Kwon "Simulation of Directed Self-Assembly for Sub-10 nm Pattern Formation: Top-down and Bottom-up Approches", in the fall conference on physics, the Korea Physical Society, Vol. 27, 4, p.193, Changwon ECO, 23 Oct. 2009 (Oral Presentation).
5. Sang-Kon Kim, Hye-Keun Oh, Young-Dae Jung, and Ilsin An, "Simulation Nanolithography with both Photolithography and Polymer Directed Self-assembly," Semicon Korea 2010, Technology Symposium (STS), Seoul, Feb. 3, 2010 (Oral Presentation).